We are Committed

At Juniper we are committed to nurturing the spirit of life in each individual we serve so that they may live fully throughout all seasons of life. To us this means understanding an individual, not only their needs but their desires and responding with programs and services which provide for the highest quality of life possible. Our Alive in All Seasons program of activities is designed to foster healthy bodies, enriched minds and fulfilled spirits. These pictures and stories are living proof that we at Juniper are dedicated to walking our talk!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Juniper Village at Chatham: Your Partner for Successful Outcomes

We want to be your partner of choice in the new shared savings environment. At Juniper Village at Chatham, we have been collecting critical data for nearly 10 years. For example, we closely monitor residents to assure successful returns from either the hospital or rehabilitation setting.
Many hospitalizations in seniors are due to poor nutrition and dehydration. Our wellness and care teams monitor changes in appetite daily.
Another contributing factor to acute re-admissions is infections, in particular Urinary Tract Infections (UTI). The senior population can be extremely susceptible to infections and proper care and monitoring is paramount. Our wellness response team is skilled in recognizing symptoms of UTI in order to provide proactive interventions that reduce the need for hospitalization.
Communication is key and Juniper Village at Chatham takes communication to the next level through:
• Use of Electronic Health Records (Point Click Care)
• Optimized care transitions protocols
• Full implementation of INTERACT (Interventions to Reduce Acute Care Transfers)
• Use of a highly recognizable and consistent transfer information packet
• Focus on resident and care giver education and engagement
• Individualized care and service

Monday, August 10, 2015

Concert Under the Stars

What a great turnout for our Concert Under the Stars, featuring the Chatham Community Band!!!  The weather was cool and comfortable, and the band played a variety of pieces that everyone enjoyed.  It really was a lot of fun!

Monday, August 3, 2015

August 2015 Events in Chatham, NJ: Breathe in Life

As we continue our summer focus on Staying Connected, we devote our August 2015 events in Chatham, NJ at Juniper Village in Chatham to connecting to the Environment. One of our Signature Programs is the Green Canopy Program. This program is designed to support healthier living for our residents and staff through environmentally conscious communities and events. This program directly supports this month’s focus on the environment and our vision to make the world a better place, a place where each of us can live fully throughout all seasons of life.

Margaret Mead reminds us that “We won't have a society if we destroy the environment.” To that end, Juniper Village has created Green Teams in each of our communities to support our environmental initiatives by assisting with our recycling and energy efficiency programs – such as using CFL light bulbs and Energy Star rated appliances, while making suggestions for additional programs to increase quality of life and promote sustainability in our communities. Have you met your Juniper Village Green Team? This month during our August 2015 events in Chatham, NJ at Juniper Village at Chatham our Green Teams will share their mission with the greater community by heading up initiatives to help others learn how to live a more sustainable life through our Wide-Scale Recycling Programs, our Environmental Stability Program and the Implantation of our Green Teams. Stop in for one of our educational programs, recycling and upcycling events or anything else that strikes your fancy this month with our August 2015 events in Chatham, NJ at Juniper Village at Chatham as we Breathe in Life!

Our fabulous August 2015 events in Chatham, NJ at Juniper Village at Chatham include our:

§  Snakes and Scales Presentation featuring animals, including alligators, pythons and more, who were once injured and vulnerable, but have been rescued and tendered to with great love on August 6th at 2:30 pm.
§  Shred-It Event to be held rain or shine so you can clean out all those old files and paperwork by bringing them to us to be securely disposed of for a charge of just $10 per box with all proceeds benefitting the Battered Women’s Shelter on August 8th from 9:00 am to noon.
§  Brain Teasers about our Presidents Trivia Game as participants review some well-known facts, learn some interesting new ones, and debunk some common myths about our great nation’s Presidents on August 11th at 2:00 pm.
§  How to Stay Green Program provided by Stuart Liss regarding what is wasted every day in America and how we can all take small simple steps to minimize the amount of refuse we create on August 27th at 2:00 pm.

We look forward to sharing our August 2015 events in Chatham, NJ at Juniper Village at Chatham with you as we Breathe in Life.