We are Committed

At Juniper we are committed to nurturing the spirit of life in each individual we serve so that they may live fully throughout all seasons of life. To us this means understanding an individual, not only their needs but their desires and responding with programs and services which provide for the highest quality of life possible. Our Alive in All Seasons program of activities is designed to foster healthy bodies, enriched minds and fulfilled spirits. These pictures and stories are living proof that we at Juniper are dedicated to walking our talk!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Grow Strong Daily: May Events

Welcome to May where we will be dancing around the May Pole on May Day; donning opulent hats for the Kentucky Derby and sombreros for Cinco de Mayo; honoring our mothers on Mother’s Day and our fallen heroes on Memorial Day. What a fantastic month of celebration! In addition to observing these holidays, Juniper Village will be focusing on this month’s Alive In All Seasons theme “Grow Strong Daily” with an emphasis on fitness.

Studies show exercise is an effective treatment for many chronic conditions such as arthritis, heart disease and diabetes and can also help people with high blood pressure, balance problems or difficulty walking. Stress management, improved mood and cognitive function are other benefits of regular exercise. This is why Juniper Village makes exercise a part of every day! We are completely dedicated to whole person wellness and “nurturing the spirit of life” for each individual we touch by encouraging an active body, an engaged mind and a fulfilled spirit.

Join us here at Juniper Village at Chatham for our Teddy Roosevelt Comes Alive presentation featuring Peter Small on May 8th at 2:00 pm; our Brookside Bells Choral Group performance on May 9th at 2:30 pm; our Exploding American Intelligence Community Lecture by Doctor Doug Simon on May 20th at 7:00 pm; or our Road to Victory over Japan Memorial Day Program by Paul White on May 22nd at 10:30 am. See our newsletter calendar for a complete listing of events and come visit us during any that suit your fancy!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Easter Egg Hunt and Games

What a beautiful day for our annual Easter Egg Hunt!!!  The residents
and families enjoyed the sunshine, and those kids were so excited to
hunt for those eggs (the older kids had to find only the camouflaged
ones).  Games and prizes followed:  pin the tail on the bunny,
potato sack race, egg/spoon race, and the elephant walk relay.
Everyone had a great time!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Women in Art

This week we had the pleasure of having a guest speaker come to
Juniper from the Newark Museum.  The presentation was entitled "Women
in Art", and it covered both how women were portrayed in classic art,
as well as the evolution of women as artists.  The program was
extremely interesting, and very well attended.  We all are looking
forward to next month's program, which will be "Coming to New Jersey".

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Believe in Yourself: April Events

April, the month where we play innocent pranks on April Fool’s Day; celebrate Springtime and Easter with egg hunts, brunches, and church; pay homage to mother earth on Earth Day; and welcome the return of America’s favorite pastime – Baseball. This month we embark on a new quarter in our Alive in All Seasons calendar where we celebrate Healthy Aging and will “Let Wellbeing Thrive”. Throughout April our focus is on the brain and honoring the theme “Believe in Yourself”. Did you know that activities that are good for your heart are also good for your brain? The American Heart Association tells us that protecting memory and brain health is a matter of keeping your heart and blood vessels healthy. Regular cardio exercise and a healthy diet not only keep your heart happy, but your brain too.

This month’s offerings include activities and events that will keep our bodies and brains healthy and renew our faith in ourselves. Educational opportunities will cover brain health topics such as brain booster activities and ways to keep fit. We will rejoice in our individuality and celebrate ourselves through life affirming reminiscent and creative activities while reminding each other to “Believe in Yourself”.

Please join us here at Juniper Village at Chatham as the Newark Museum Presents “Women in Art and Women Artists” on April 3rd at 2:30 pm; the Larks – Singing Tunes on April 10th at 10:00 am; our “End of Life Care” CEU class on April 17th at 2:00 pm; our Open House Easter Egg Hunt on April 19th at 10:30 am; and our International Affairs Lecture on April 22nd at 7:00 pm. See our newsletter calendar for a complete listing of events and come visit us during any that suit your fancy!